become a friend of wonderful beast
Wonderful Beast is a charity and our work is dependent on the generosity of our benefactors and funders.
Your support enables us to go on bringing you the fabulous stories that have inspired generations before us. With your help, we can continue creating new work, workshops and outreach programmes, staging productions, and providing development opportunities for talented artists, keeping storytelling alive for the generations to come.
On behalf of the entire company, we thank you wholeheartedly for choosing to support us. We have a variety of roles for our friends and you can cast yourself in the one that suits you best. You can choose to contribute either monthly or annually. |
Oracle (donor)
We're grateful for all donations, great and small alike - every pound makes a difference to our work. We understand that some people prefer to make one-off or annual donations.
Gifts equal or greater than the annual donations of each level of Friends will give Donors the same benefits. |
Memberships are non-refundable donations. We are hugely thankful for your support.
our mission statement
Wonderful Beast is constantly expanding its vision and increasing its activities, working with an age range from birth to as old as is willing.
participation and passionWonderful Beast aims to impact on the whole community, offering high quality creative opportunities that might not normally come its way, valuing everyone’s contribution and bringing together amateurs and professionals, children and the elderly in an exhilarating shared experience. We believe in the power of participatory projects to transform lives, generate confidence, joy and well-being.
partnershipWonderful Beast collaborates with a range of organisations including: English Touring Opera; Babergh & Mid Suffolk District Council; Snape Maltings (formerly Aldeburgh Music); Suffolk Artlink; Pro Corda; Suffolk Libraries; Creative Futures London; HighTide Festival; Association for Suffolk Museums. Its outreach work with state schools has been nationwide, focused most recently
on East Suffolk. |
performanceWonderful Beast stages a wide-ranging variety of performances for all ages, including babies. Often performing in unusual or site-specific venues, our actors, storytellers, musicians, singers and dancers contribute their gloriously diverse talents in bringing these universal stories to life. Our company has established itself as one that attracts the best practitioners in their field, whilst holding the community in its heart.
Wonderful Beast is a registered charity, no. 1064331.